Rules & Regulations
Rules & Regulations
- All the students are required to come to the college decently attired.
- They must have a college Identity Card, which they must carry with them within the college premises and outside.
- Attendance during all forms of assessment is a must for the students and valid reasons must be supplied in writing with supporting documents in cases of absence.
- All unruly behavior/display of violence by the students in college campus is severely punishable.
- Any form of tampering with college property is strictly prohibited.
- Strict compliance with directives issued for students from time to time is desired.
- The misuse of cell phone is strictly prohibited within the college campus.

- Each student must bear his/her College Identity Card always inside the college premises.
- Students must maintain general silence in corridors, libraries and classrooms, and refrain from indiscriminate use of cellular phones inside the college premises.
- Students must take care of the college premises, college properties, medicinal and other plants within the Campus. Violation of the scenery or damage to any plant is strictly prohibited.
- In matters not mentioned above, the decision of the Principal or the college authority shall be final and binding on all the students.
- The name of a student will be struck off from the roll if he/she does not attend the classes within 10 days from the commencement of classes.