Mathabhanga College


Mathabhanga College NCC Unit

For the betterment of the social responsibility and attitude towards life, the role of the NCC (National Cadets Corps) is very significant. Admission to the NCC is open to all students (boys & girls) of the college. Willing students are advised to contact the Associate NCC Officer, Mr. Ranjit Saibya Department of Commerce.

Every year the NCC Cadets pass the ‘B’ & ‘C’ certificate examinations and they avail themselves of additional marks in the recruitment of the various armed forces. The NCC Cadets can take opportunity to attend National Integration Camps throughout India and others Camps within West Bengal with free food, travelling and dresses.

NCC was inducted in Mathabhnga College from 1982 but due to some unavoidable circumstance it was remain nonfunctional for some period. It was flourished from 2005 under Prof. S K Jha Department of Sanskrit.

Mathabhanga College has a capacity of 160 students in total 3 years span.

How to join NCC:

Application form 2022-23 for NCC Enrollment Click Here
Application fees for NCC 50/- only
Tentative time for admission is June-July (after completion of the admission process) and the students will be informed through College Website and notice.

Refresher and Farewell Programme of MTB-NCC unit

Fresher’s-cum-Farewell functions of NCC Cadets of Mathabhanga College, organized by SD (Boys) and SW (Girls) under the guidance of Prof. Ranjit Saibya ANOs of NCC SD (Boys) and NCC SW (Girls) respectively were successfully held on 22th November 2021.Teacher in Charge, Mathabhanga College Prof. Sulogna Dutta was the Chief Guest. The function comprised of a bouquet of culture Programme. The cadets also mesmerized the audience by singing solo, duet, group songs and patriotic skits. Prof. Ranjit Saibya, appreciated the zeal of the cadets and advised them to adopt the disciplined life. Cadet the Chief Guest Prof. Sulogna Dutta appreciated the achievements of the cadets of the college and exhorted them to keep the momentum of learning going on.

Swachata Abhijan

On 21st December 2020, Swachhta Abhiyanin was conducted by NCC wings of Mathabhanga College. Cadets were participated in the cleanliness drive organized by the institution under the programme ‘Swachhta Abhiyan’. The programme began with the garlanding of the picture of Mahatma Gandhi. Students cleaned the campus and nearby Madan Mohon Mndir area. The NCC volunteers participated in creating awareness among public, informing them about the importance of cleanliness. The students also took the initiative to clean the surroundings of vicinity.The volunteers cleaned the entire campus and collected all the litter in big bags for disposal. The volunteers were instructed to clean their hands with soap at the end. Refreshments were distributed to volunteers.

Celebration of 75 years of Independence

In pursuance of the notifications issued by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting dated 5th March & 24th March 2021, the Mathabhanga College celebrated 75 years of India’s Independence based on the theme “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” by organizing a cultural programme, cleanness drives and tree plantation programme on 15th August 2021. Mathabhanga College NCC unit actively participated in this programme. Some pictures of the programme are attached below:

25th National Youth Day Celebration

On the occasion of National Youth Day Mathabhanga College NCC Unit observed  the days through various activities. On 12th January, Cleaning and Paying Homage at ‘’Swami Vivekananda Statue’’:  Cleaning the statues are one of the most important social activities that are carried out on several occasions in NCC. On 12th January 2022, 20 cadets participated in cleaning the statue and paid homage to the great monk Swami Vivekananda. That day is also observed as National Youth Day. On 13th January, 83 Cadets participated in a yoga session in our College premises. 

For details report lick here

Participation in ‘Golden Jubilee Year of Liberation of Bangladesh’

The Border Security Force (BSF) organized an exhibition event to mark the 50th years of Independence of Bangladesh and to showcase BSF’s contribution to the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War.

​For details report click here

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