Quality Initiative
Quality Initiative
Mathabhanga College has been working with the goal of continuous improvement of quality and achieving academic excellence, empowering learner in achieving goal and relating learning with highest human values.
Quality Education
- IQAC always instruct teachers to make teaching plan at the starting of the academic session of each semester and make that available to the students.
- Teachers are also encouraged to take regular tests and to take remedial classes for the slow learners. To arrange seminars for the students.
- IQAC always encourage all the departments to arrange special lectures, seminars and also to introduce ADD_ON courses so that the students get scope to widen their knowledge even out of their syllabus.
- Teachers are encouraged to use ICT tools in the teaching learning process to make the process more effective and attractive
- Learning Management System has been introduced and uploading of study materials is going on by the effort of IQAC.
- Android based App has been introduced by the initiative of IQAC to make available every information of the college and study materials to the students by a single click.
- MOU with different colleges for student and faculty exchange has been signed by the initiative of IQAC
- WIFI facility

To make the college campus environment friendly IQAC contributed for
- Installation of solar panel and LED lights.
- Tree plantation in different times
- Development of Waste management system
- Formation of environment awareness cell
- Formation of Green Campus Cell
- Green Audit
- Gender Audit
- AAA Audit
- Minimising use of paper by digitalization of documentation.
To improve the quality and status of the institute IQAC works for
- Submission of AQAR
- Timely Submission of AISHE report
- Submission of application for NIRF ranking
- Preparation of academic calendar
- Student Satisfactory Survey , and survey reports were generated and critically analysed for the betterment of the college
- Feedback collection and analysis and report preparation
- Beautification of the college campus
- Revamping the college website
- Introduction of KOHA software in the library.
Basic facility to the students- sufficient purified drinking water, proper canteen facility.
To promote holistic development of the students – cocurricular and extension activity, outreach program are being promoted through NSS, NCC and different clubs.
To prepare the students for their career - IQAC organises career counselling program and skill development training program regularly
To promote the use of ICT tools in teaching learning and administrative practices IQAC has organised Faculty Development workshop and Hand-on Training program.
To promote research activity of the teacher – IQAC encourages teachers to publish their research in UGC care listed journals and to participate different workshops, seminars, conferences by felicitating the teacher with highest publication in UGC CARE listed journal and by proposing college authority to provide financial assistance to the teachers to participate seminar conferences etc.