Mathabhanga College


Alumni Association

Founded on 22.02.04

Registered under the West Bengal Society Registration Act, 1961.
Registration S/IL No. 46441, dated 20.07.07

The objects for which the association is established are:


  1. Admission :
    1. Any student graduated from this institution may be a member of this Association and Office bearers of the Governing Body of the Association shall be the first members of the Association.
    2. Any student who have graduated from this institution may be a member of this Association and life time membership fee will be Rs.50/- or as may be settled by the Executive Committee.
  2. Types of members : 
    Honorary Members: any person, whose connection with the Society is deemed to be useful, with the consent of such person, neither is eligible to be a member of the Governing Body nor shall be entitled to vote at any meeting.
    Ordinary members: Any person who is qualified to be a member and pays prescribed ordinary membership fee may be admitted as an ordinary member of the Society.
  3. Cessation of Membership : 
    Any member shall cease to be a member on the acceptance of his resignation of membership, on his becoming insane, on his conviction of any offence in connection with the formation, promotion, management or conduct of affairs of society or a body corporate or of any offence involving moral turpitude.
  4. Register of members: 
    The Association shall maintain a register of members containing the names, addresses and their occupations, the date of admission and of cessation of membership. The register will be kept open for inspection of the members of the Society, or requisition. All entries required to be made therein shall be entered within a period of 15 days.
  5. Rights and obligations of Members : 
    Any ordinary member of the Association has the right to elect or to be elected in any election of the Association;
    1. To submit suggestion for discussion to the Governing Body on any matter relating to the Association;
    2. To inspect the accounts and proceedings of the meetings of the Association on appointment with the Society. Defaulting members shall not be allowed to take part or vote in a meeting. Members shall have one vote suggestion for discussion to the Governing Body on any matter relating to the Association;

Click the link below to download the membership form. Filled up form and the membership fees are accepted by Secretary of Mathabhanga College Alumni Association Sri Bipul Roy in the office campus. For details contact him by dialing the number 7679120349

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