Mathabhanga College

Notice for information that the 3rd year, 3rd semester & 5th Semester online admission & verification for the session 2019-20.

It is notified for information that the 3rd year, 3rd semester & 5th Semester online admission & verification (Under C.B.P.B.U and N.B.U.) will be started on and from 24/08/2019 for the session 2019-20. It will be continued up to 06.09.2019

Students are directed to admit themselves through online mode. They are also informed to deposit their admission fees through online Bank Payment mode. After doing that job, they are again directed to submit the hard copy of the same to the college office for verification.

The last date of admission is 06.09.2019 and verification date is 07.9.2019.

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