Mathabhanga College

Dr. Debasish Dutta

Name: Dr. Debasish Dutta
Designation: Principal
Department of Bengali
Mobile No. 9434482543
Email –

Personal Details:

Father’s Name : Gorachand Datta
—————— : Smt Mira Rani Datta
Current Designation & Grade Pay: Assistant Professor In Bengali 7000/-
Date of last Promotion: 1st August,2009.
Address for correspondence: Department Of Bengali, Mathabhanga College,P.O+P.S-Mathabhanga Dist-Cooch Behar;Pin-736146
Permanent Address: Amlapara,Ward No-2, Mathabhanga,P.O+P.S-Mathabhanga Dist-Cooch Behar,Pin-736146

Whether acquired any degrees or fresh academic qualifications during the year: NIL

Academic Staff College Orientation/ Refresher Course attended during the year:

Name of the Course/Summer SchoolPlaceDurationSponsoring Agency
REFRESHER COURSEC.U./ASC22.11.2010 to 11.12.2010UGC

Date of Appointment : 03-03-2003
Date of confirmation: 03.03.2004 w.e.f.03.03.2004
Past Service, if any : N.A

Specific G.O. for counting of past Service for promotion under CAS)

For which position & AGP you are applying under CAS:     Assistant Prof. Stage III, AGP Rs.8, 000/-

Date of eligibility for Promotion

Educational Qualification (Graduation onwards):

ExaminationName of the UniversityYear of passingMarks obtained (%)Class/ grade

Research Degree(s):

DegreeName of the UniversityDate of awardTitle
Ph.D.CALCUTTAUNIVERSITY26/07/2013Bangla Upanyase Astibadi Darshaner Prerana(1960 Theke 1980)

Details of Teaching/ Research/Academic Experience

DesignationEmployerPeriod of service From        ToScale of pay
Assistant ProfessorMATHABHANGA COLLEGE03-03-2003 To Till DateRs. 15600-39100 + AGP Rs. 7000/-

I declare that the particulars given above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signature of the Candidate

All entries made above are checked and verified and found to be correct

Signature of the Coordinator, IQAC



Signature of the Principal/TIC



Part B: Academic Performance Indicators (API)

Category 1: Teaching, Learning And Evaluation Related Activities Session: 2009-10

(i.a) Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical, contact hours undertaken taken as percentage of lectures allocated.

SL. No.Course/Paper:-LevelMode of teachin gClass allotted as per schedule% of classes taken as per documented recordAPI Score
1UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures          Total API Score: 48
2UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures  
3UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
4UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
(Maximum API score-50)Average percentage of class taken – 96%

#Lecture (L), Seminar (S), Tutorial (T), Practical (P), Contact Hours(C)

(ib) Lectures and other teaching duties in excess of UGC norms

Classes taken (Maximum 50 for 100% performance & proportionate score up to 80% performance, below which no score may be given) 
Teaching load in excess of UGC norms/ Special Lectures/ Classes taken at the study centre located in the District  other than Kolkata (Max score – 10)NA
  • Reading/ Instructional material consulted and additional know e ledgResources provided to students
SL. No.Course/ PaperConsultedPrescribedAdditional Resource provided
1UG Honours Part- I to Part-III Preparation of Interactive materials and Time scheduleBooks(etc)Websites,www.rastri ya etc. Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etc.Slide Shows motivate trainees to use interactive maps in Teaching.
2UG General Part-I to Part-III Preparation of teaching modelBooks,(Laghusidh antakaumudi,kada mbari,Gitagovinda )Websites,www.rastriya etc.   Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etcVideo Shows foster trainees to make ID from low cost materials.
API based on preparation and Imparting of knowledge/instruction as per curriculum and syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students        (Max. score: 20) 10

Use of participatory and innovative teaching-learning methodologies; updating of subject content, course improvement etc.

  • Updating of Courses/Curriculum Design: 5 per course – Max 10
  • Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: per course: 5
  • Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: 5 Max 10
  • Participation./Innovative – Case Studies prepared: 5
  • Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: 5
  • Use of ICT – Multi-media/Simulation etc: 5 Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Remedial/Bridge Courses: 5 each Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Soft skill/Communication/Personality Dev: 5 each Max 10
  • Special Programs in Phys.Edn./Library: 5 each Max 10
  • Innovative Composition/Creation in Music, Fine Arts, Perf Arts: 5 each; Max 10
  • Organizing & cond. of popul. Prog. /Teaching Web-based/E-Library/IT-asst teaching:

Workshop/Training – 10 points; Popularization program – 5 points

SL. No.Short Description (in terms of items) as listed aboveAPI Score
1Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: Micro Teaching, Preparation of Achievement Test ( participatory and group activity approach)5
2Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: Preparation of Lesson Plan and Unit Plan5
3Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: PPT for U.G Classes5
 (Max API Score : 20)                                                                            (Total15

Examination duties assigned and performed

  • Invigil.- 10, Evalua.-5, Q. paper setting/ moderation- 5; Max : 20 [100% compliance]
  • Internal/Continuous Assessment work as allotted-10 [100% compliance];
  • Exam Coordination Cell/Outstation or Flying Squad: 10 [100% compliance]
SL. No.Type of Examination DutiesDuties AssignedExtent to which carried out (%)API Score
1Invigilation Internal Exam:External Exam:Invigilation100%10
2Paper setting: External Moderation: ExternalPaper Setting Moderation100%5
 Evaluation: Internal & ExternalEvaluation100%5
3Internal Continuous AssessmentContinuous Assessment100%10
4   Total: 30
 (Max API Score : 25)                                                                    Total Score:25
Maximum API Score:25
 Category – ITotal98

Category 2: Co-Curricular, Extension And Professional Development

Related Activities: Session: 2009-10

SL.No.Type of ActivityAverage Hrs/weekAPI Score
 (I)Extension, Co-curricular & field based Activities: (5 pnts each)Field survey on Sanitation5
 a) Field Study/Ed. Tours/ Placement: 5 each      Max: 10  
 b) NSS/NCC/NSO etc: each activity 10 points Max :10Health awareness programme Blood Donation Camp10
 c) Student/Staff Sports Campus Publ. etc: (dept level 2 points, Institutional level 5 points) Max: 10Member of Sports Committe5
 d) Community work (Env., Hum. Rights, Scientific temper, Peace/Relief etc):                                                                                Max:10  
 (Max API Score : 20) 20
 (II) Contribution to Corporate Life and Management of the Institution:  
 a) Governance Responsibility (PG/IQAC/NAAC coordinator/Bursar / Warden etc.): Max 10  
 b) Academic/Administrative Committees like Admission /Campus Dev/ Library Comm: 5 each Max 10  
 c) Student Welfare/Placement / Counseling/ Discipline : 5 each                                                                                Max: 10  
 d) Conf Organization/Chair Secretary/Treasurer (I) International: 10 (II) National/Regional: 5 (III) Member:  
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 (iii)Professional Development Activities :  
 a) Member in Professional Committees (I)National 3 (II) State 2 ;   Max 10  
 b) Participation in Conf/Seminars Without paper: 2 each ;   Max: 10  
 c) Short-term Courses/  Training less than a week: 5 each                                                               Max :10  
 d) Membership/Participation in State/ Central Bodies/Committees:  5 each Max: 10  
 e) Newspaper/Magazine/ Radio-TV program (Not covered in Category III): 1 each ;                                Max: 10  
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 Total Score (I + II +III):  (Max : 50) 20
 Minimum API Score required – 15  

Part B: Academic Performance Indicators (API)

Category 1: Teaching, Learning And Evaluation Related Activities Session: 2010-11

Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical, contact hours undertaken taken as percentage of lectures allocated

SL. No.Course/Paper:-LevelMode of teachin gClass allotted as per schedule% of classes taken as per documented recordAPI Score
1UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures          Total API Score: 48
2UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures  
3UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
4UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
(Maximum API score-50)Average percentage of class taken – 96%
#Lecture (L), Seminar (S), Tutorial (T), Practical (P), Contact Hours(C)

Lectures and other teaching duties in excess of UGC norms

a)Classes taken (Maximum 50 for 100% performance & proportionate score up to 80% performance, below which no score may be given) 
b)Teaching load in excess of UGC norms/ Special Lectures/ Classes taken at the study centre located in the District other than Kolkata (Max score – 10)NA

Reading/ Instructional material consulted and additional knowledge Resources provided to students

SL . No .Course/ PaperConsultedPrescribedAdditional Resource providedAPI Score
1UG Honours Part- I to Part-III Preparation of Interactive materials and Time scheduleBooks(kiratarjuniy am, tarkasangraha etc)Websites,www.rastri ya etc. Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etc.Slide Shows motivate trainees to use interactive maps in Teaching.5
2UG General Part-I to Part-III Preparation of teaching modelBooks,(Laghusidh antakaumudi,kada mbari,Gitagovinda )Websites,www.rastriya etc.   Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etcVideo Shows foster trainees to make ID from low cost materials.5
API based on preparation and Imparting of knowledge/instruction as per curriculum and syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to 10
students        (Max. score: 20)  

Use of participatory and innovative teaching-learning methodologies; updating of subject content, course improvement etc.

  • Updating of Courses/Curriculum Design: 5 per course – Max 10
  • Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: per course: 5
  • Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: 5 Max 10
  • Participation./Innovative – Case Studies prepared: 5
  • Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: 5
  • Use of ICT – Multi-media/Simulation etc: 5 Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Remedial/Bridge Courses: 5 each Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Soft skill/Communication/Personality Dev: 5 each Max 10
  • Special Programs in Phys.Edn./Library: 5 each Max 10
  • Innovative Composition/Creation in Music, Fine Arts, Perf Arts: 5 each; Max 10
  • Organizing & cond. of popul. Prog. /Teaching Web-based/E-Library/IT-asst teaching:

Workshop/Training – 10 points; Popularization program – 5 points

SL. No.Short Description (in terms of items) as listed aboveAPI Score
1Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: Micro Teaching, Preparation of Achievement Test ( participatory and group activity approach)5
2Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: Preparation of Lesson Plan and Unit Plan5
3Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: PPT for U.G Classes5
 (Max API Score : 20)                                                                            (Total15

Examination duties assigned and performed

Invigil.- 10, Evalua.-5, Q. paper setting/ moderation- 5; Max : 20 [100% compliance]
Internal/Continuous Assessment work as allotted-10 [100% compliance];
Exam Coordination Cell/Outstation or Flying Squad: 10 [100% compliance]

SL. No.Type of Examination DutiesDuties AssignedExtent to which carried out (%)API Score
1Invigilation Internal Exam:External Exam:Invigilation100%10
2Paper setting: External Moderation: ExternalPaper Setting Moderation100%5
 Evaluation: Internal & ExternalEvaluation100%5
3Internal Continuous AssessmentContinuous Assessment100%10
4   Total: 30
 (Max API Score : 25)                                                                    Total Score:25
Maximum API Score:25
 Category – ITotal98

Category 2: Co-Curricular, Extension And Professional Development

Related Activities: Session: 2010-11
SL.No.Type of ActivityAverage Hrs/weekAPI Score
 (I)Extension, Co-curricular & field based Activities: (5 pnts each)Pulse polio survey5
 a) Field Study/Ed. Tours/ Placement: 5 each      Max: 10  
 b) NSS/NCC/NSO etc: each activity 10 points Max :10Tree Plantation Programme with NSS10
 c) Student/Staff Sports Campus Publ. etc: (dept level 2 points, Institutional level 5 points) Max: 10a)Member of Students Sports Committee5
 d) Community work (Env., Hum. Rights, Scientific temper, Peace/Relief etc):                                                                                Max:10  
 (Max API Score : 20) 20
 (II) Contribution to Corporate Life and Management of the Institution:Yearly/Semester wise responsibilitiesAPI Score
 a) Governance Responsibility (PG/IQAC/NAAC coordinator/Bursar / Warden etc.): Max 10  
 b) Academic/Administrative Committees like Admission /Campus Dev/ Library Comm: 5 each Max 10  
 c) Student Welfare/Placement / Counseling/ Discipline : 5 each                                                                                Max: 10  
 d) Conf Organization/Chair Secretary/Treasurer (I) International: 10 (II) National/Regional: 5 (III) Member:NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 (iii)Professional Development Activities :  
 a) Member in Professional Committees (I)National 3 (II) State 2 ;   Max 10  
 b) Participation in Conf/Seminars Without paper: 2 each ;   Max: 10  
 c) Short-term Courses/  Training less than a week: 5 each                                                               Max :10NA 
 d) Membership/Participation in State/ Central Bodies/Committees:  5 each Max: 10  
 e) Newspaper/Magazine/ Radio-TV program (Not covered in Category III): 1 each ;                    Max: 10NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 Total Score (I + II +III):  (Max : 50)Total20
 Minimum API Score required – 15  

Part B: Academic Performance Indicators (API)

Category 1: Teaching, Learning And Evaluation Related Activities Session: 2011-12

Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical, contact hours undertaken taken as percentage of lectures allocated.

SL . No .Course/Paper:-Level :   UGMode of teaching*Class allotted as per schedul e% of classes taken as per document ed recordAPI Score
1UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures    Total API Score: 48
2UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures  
3UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorials  
4UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorials  
(Maximum API score-50)Average percentage of class taken – 96%
#Lecture (L), Seminar (S), Tutorial (T), Practical (P), Contact Hours(C)

Lectures and other teaching duties in excess of UGC norms

a)Classes taken (Maximum 50 for 100% performance & proportionate score up to 80% performance, below which no score may be given) 
b)Teaching load in excess of UGC norms/ Special Lectures/ Classes taken at the study centre located in the District other than Kolkata (Max score – 10)NA

Reading/ Instructional material consulted and additional knowledge Resources provided to students

SL. No.Course/ PaperConsultedPrescribedAdditional Resource providedAPI Score
1UG Honours Part- I to Part- III Preparation of Interactive materials and Time scheduleBooks(Meghdoot, Raghuvansham etc). Websites,www.rastriya etc. Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etcSlide Shows motivate trainees to use interactive maps in Teaching.5
2UG General Part-I to Part- III Preparation of teaching modelBooks,(Laghusidhanta kaumudi,kadambari,Gi tagovinda). Websites,www.rastriya etc. Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etcVideo Shows foster trainees to make ID from low cost materials.5
API based on preparation and Imparting of knowledge/instruction as per curriculum and syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to 10
students        (Max. score: 20)  
  • Use of participatory and innovative teaching-learning methodologies; updating of subject content, course improvement etc.
  • Updating of Courses/Curriculum Design: 5 per course – Max 10
  • Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: per course: 5
  • Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: 5 Max 10
  • Participation./Innovative – Case Studies prepared: 5
  • Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: 5
  • Use of ICT – Multi-media/Simulation etc: 5 Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Remedial/Bridge Courses: 5 each Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Soft skill/Communication/Personality Dev: 5 each Max 10
  • Special Programs in Phys.Edn./Library: 5 each Max 10
  • Innovative Composition/Creation in Music, Fine Arts, Perf Arts: 5 each; Max 10
  • Organizing & cond. of popul. Prog. /Teaching Web-based/E-Library/IT-asst teaching:

Workshop/Training – 10 points Popularization program – 5 points

SL. No.Short Description (in terms of items) as listed aboveAPI Score
1Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: Micro Teaching, Preparation of Achievement Test ( participatory and group activity approach)5
2Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: Preparation of Lesson Plan and Unit Plan5
3Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: PPT for U.G ClassesNIL
 (Max API Score : 20)                                                                            (Total10

Examination duties assigned and performed

  • Invigil.- 10, Evalua.-5, Q. paper setting/ moderation- 5; Max : 20 [100% compliance]
  • Internal/Continuous Assessment work as allotted-10 [100% compliance];
  • Exam Coordination Cell/Outstation or Flying Squad: 10 [100% compliance]
SL. No.Type of Examination DutiesDuties AssignedExtent to which carried out (%)API Score
1Invigilation Internal Exam:External Exam:Invigilation100%10
2Paper setting: External Moderation: ExternalPaper Setting Moderation100%5
 Evaluation: InternalExternalEvaluation100%5
3Internal Continuous AssessmentContinuous Assessment100%10
 (Max API Score : 25)                                                                    Total Score:30
Maximum API Score:25
 Category –ITotal93

Category 2: Co-Curricular, Extension And Professional Development Related Activities: Session: 2011-12

SL.No.Type of ActivityAverage Hrs/weekAPI Score
 (I)Extension, Co-curricular & field based Activities: (5 pnts each)  
 a) Field Study/Ed. Tours/ Placement: 5 each     Max: 10A] Field survey on Bird flue5
 b) NSS/NCC/NSO etc: each activity 10 points Max :10Tree Plantation progmme with NSS10
 c) Student/Staff Sports Campus Publ etc: (dept level 2 points, Institutional level 5 points) Max: 10a) Students Sports (Institution)5
 d) Community work (Env, Hum., Rights, Scientific temper, Peace/Relief etc):                                                                               Max:10  
 (Max API Score : 20) 20
 (II) Contribution to Corporate Life and Management of the Institution:Yearly/Semester wise responsibilitiesAPI Score
 a) Governance Responsibility (PG/IQAC/NAAC coordinator/Bursar / Warden etc.):                        Max 10  
 b) Academic/Administrative Committees like Admission /Campus Dev/ Library Comm: 5 each                   Max 10  
 c) Student Welfare/Placement / Counseling/ Discipline : 5 each                                                                     Max: 10  
 d) Conf Organization/Chair Secretary/Treasurer (I) International: 10 (II) National/Regional: 5 (III) Member:NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 (iii)Professional Development Activities :  
 a) Member in Professional Committees (I)National 3 (II) State 2 ;      Max 10  
 b) Participation in Conf/Seminars Without paper: 2 each ; Max: 10  
 c) Short-term Courses/  Training less than a week: 5 each                                                                   Max :10NA 
 d) Membership/Participation in State/ Central Bodies/Committees:      5 each                                       Max: 10  
 e) Newspaper/Magazine/ Radio-TV program (Not covered in Category III): 1 each ;                                                                                Max: 10NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 Total Score (I + II +III): (Max : 50)Total20
 Minimum API Score required – 15  

Category 1: Teaching, Learning And Evaluation Related Activities Session: 2012-13

Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical, contact hours undertaken taken as percentage of lectures allocated

SL. No.Course/Paper:-LevelMode of teachin gClass allotted as per schedule% of classes taken as per documented recordAPI Score
1UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures          Total API Score: 48
2UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures  
3UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
4UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
(Maximum API score-50)Average percentage of class taken – 96%
#Lecture (L), Seminar (S), Tutorial (T), Practical (P), Contact Hours(C)

Lectures and other teaching duties in excess of UGC norms

a)Classes taken (Maximum 50 for 100% performance & proportionate score up to 80% performance, below which no score may be given) 
b)Teaching load in excess of UGC norms/ Special Lectures/ Classes taken at the study centre located in the District other than Kolkata (Max score – 10)NA

Reading/ Instructional material consulted and additional knowledge Resources provided to students

SL . No .Course/ PaperConsultedPrescribedAdditional Resource providedAPI Score
1UG Honours Part- I to Part-III Preparation of Interactive materials and Time scheduleBooks(kiratarjuniy am, tarkasangraha etc)Websites,www.rastri ya etc. Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etc.Slide Shows motivate trainees to use interactive maps in Teaching.5
2UG General Part-I to Part-III Preparation of teaching modelBooks,(Laghusidh antakaumudi,kada mbari,Gitagovinda )Websites,www.rastriya etc.   Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etcVideo Shows foster trainees to make ID from low cost materials.5
API based on preparation and Imparting of knowledge/instruction as per curriculum and syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students        (Max. score: 20) 10

Use of participatory and innovative teaching-learning methodologies; updating of subject content, course improvement etc.

  • Updating of Courses/Curriculum Design: 5 per course – Max 10
  • Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: per course: 5
  • Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: 5 Max 10
  • Participation./Innovative – Case Studies prepared: 5
  • Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: 5
  • Use of ICT – Multi-media/Simulation etc: 5 Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Remedial/Bridge Courses: 5 each Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Soft skill/Communication/Personality Dev: 5 each Max 10
  • Special Programs in Phys.Edn./Library: 5 each Max 10
  • Innovative Composition/Creation in Music, Fine Arts, Perf Arts: 5 each; Max 10
  • Organizing & cond. of popul. Prog. /Teaching Web-based/E-Library/IT-asst teaching:

Workshop/Training – 10 points; Popularization program – 5 points

SL. No.Short Description (in terms of items) as listed aboveAPI Score
1Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: Micro Teaching, Preparation of Achievement Test ( participatory and group activity approach)5
2Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: Preparation of Lesson Plan and Unit Plan5
3Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: PPT for U.G Classes5
 (Max API Score : 20)                                                                            (Total15

Examination duties assigned and performed

  • Invigil.- 10, Evalua.-5, Q. paper setting/ moderation- 5; Max : 20 [100% compliance]
  • Internal/Continuous Assessment work as allotted-10 [100% compliance];
  • Exam Coordination Cell/Outstation or Flying Squad: 10 [100% compliance]
SL. No.Type of Examination DutiesDuties AssignedExtent to which carried out (%)API Score
1Invigilation Internal Exam:External Exam:Invigilation100%10
2Paper setting: External Moderation: ExternalPaper Setting Moderation100%5
 Evaluation: Internal & ExternalEvaluation100%5
3Internal Continuous AssessmentContinuous Assessment100%10
4   Total: 30
 (Max API Score : 25)                                                                    Total Score:25
Score:Maximum API
Category – ITotal98

Category 2: Co-Curricular, Extension And Professional Development

SL.No.Type of ActivityAverage Hrs/weekAPI Score
 (I)Extension, Co-curricular & field based Activities: (5 pnts each)Pulse polio survey5
 a) Field Study/Ed. Tours/ Placement: 5 each      Max: 10  
 b) NSS/NCC/NSO etc: each activity 10 points Max :10Tree Plantation Programme with NSS10
 c) Student/Staff Sports Campus Publ. etc: (dept level 2 points, Institutional level 5 points) Max: 10a)Member of Students Sports Committee5
 d) Community work (Env., Hum. Rights, Scientific temper, Peace/Relief etc):                                                                                Max:10  
 (Max API Score : 20) 20
 (II) Contribution to Corporate Life and Management of the Institution:Yearly/Semester wise responsibilitiesAPI Score
 a) Governance Responsibility (PG/IQAC/NAAC coordinator/Bursar / Warden etc.): Max 10  
 b) Academic/Administrative Committees like Admission /Campus Dev/ Library Comm: 5 each Max 10  
 c) Student Welfare/Placement / Counseling/ Discipline : 5 each                                                                     Max: 10  
 d) Conf Organization/Chair Secretary/Treasurer (I) International: 10 (II) National/Regional: 5 (III) Member:NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 (iii)Professional Development Activities :  
 a) Member in Professional Committees (I)National 3 (II) State 2 ;   Max 10  
 b) Participation in Conf/Seminars Without paper: 2 each ;   Max: 10  
 c) Short-term Courses/  Training less than a week: 5 each                                                               Max :10NA 
 d) Membership/Participation in State/ Central Bodies/Committees:  5 each Max: 10  
 e) Newspaper/Magazine/ Radio-TV program (Not covered in Category III): 1 each ;                                Max: 10NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 Total Score (I + II +III):  (Max : 50)Total20
 Minimum API Score required – 15  

Related Activities: Session: 2012-13

Category 1: Teaching, Learning And Evaluation Related Activities Session: 2013-14

Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical, contact hours undertaken taken as percentage of lectures allocated

SL. No.Course/Paper:-LevelMode of teachin gClass allotted as per schedule% of classes taken as per documented recordAPI Score
1UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures          Total API Score: 48
2UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGLectures  
3UG (Hons.)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
4UG (General)-(Part-I, II & III)UGTutorial s  
(Maximum API score-50)Average percentage of class taken – 96%
#Lecture (L), Seminar (S), Tutorial (T), Practical (P), Contact Hours(C)

Lectures and other teaching duties in excess of UGC norms

a)Classes taken (Maximum 50 for 100% performance & proportionate score up to 80% performance, below which no score may be given) 
b)Teaching load in excess of UGC norms/ Special Lectures/ Classes taken at the study centre located in the District other than Kolkata (Max score – 10)NA

Reading/ Instructional material consulted and additional knowledge Resources provided to students

SL . No .Course/ PaperConsultedPrescribedAdditional Resource providedAPI Score
1UG Honours Part- I to Part-III Preparation of Interactive materials and Time scheduleBooks(kiratarjuniy am, tarkasangraha etc)Websites,www.rastri ya etc. Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etc.Slide Shows motivate trainees to use interactive maps in Teaching.5
2UG General Part-I to Part-III Preparation of teaching modelBooks,(Laghusidh antakaumudi,kada mbari,Gitagovinda )Websites,www.rastriya etc.   Journal, Sambhasan sandeh , Sudharma.etcVideo Shows foster trainees to make ID from low cost materials.5
API based on preparation and Imparting of knowledge/instruction as per curriculum and syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students  (Max. score: 20) 10

Use of participatory and innovative teaching-learning methodologies; updating of subject content, course improvement etc.

  • Updating of Courses/Curriculum Design: 5 per course – Max 10
  • Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: per course: 5
  • Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: 5 Max 10
  • Participation./Innovative – Case Studies prepared: 5
  • Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: 5
  • Use of ICT – Multi-media/Simulation etc: 5 Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Remedial/Bridge Courses: 5 each Max 10
  • Dev/Teaching Soft skill/Communication/Personality Dev: 5 each Max 10
  • Special Programs in Phys.Edn./Library: 5 each Max 10
  • Innovative Composition/Creation in Music, Fine Arts, Perf Arts: 5 each; Max 10
  • Organizing & cond. of popul. Prog. /Teaching Web-based/E-Library/IT-asst teaching:

Workshop/Training – 10 points; Popularization program – 5 points

SL. No.Short Description (in terms of items) as listed aboveAPI Score
1Participation/Innovative – Interactive courses: Micro Teaching, Preparation of Achievement Test ( participatory and group activity approach)5
2Participation./Innovative – Learning Modules: Preparation of Lesson Plan and Unit Plan5
3Use of ICT or Computer-aided methods – ppt: PPT for U.G Classes5
 (Max API Score : 20)                                                                            (Total15

Examination duties assigned and performed

  • Invigil.- 10, Evalua.-5, Q. paper setting/ moderation- 5; Max : 20 [100% compliance]
  • Internal/Continuous Assessment work as allotted-10 [100% compliance];
  • Exam Coordination Cell/Outstation or Flying Squad: 10 [100% compliance]
SL. No.Type of Examination DutiesDuties AssignedExtent to which carried out (%)API Score
1Invigilation Internal Exam:External Exam:Invigilation100%10
2Paper setting: External Moderation: ExternalPaper Setting Moderation100%5
 Evaluation: Internal & ExternalEvaluation100%5
3Internal Continuous AssessmentContinuous Assessment100%10
4   Total: 30
 (Max API Score : 25)                                                                    Total Score:25
Maximum API Score:25
 Category – ITotal98

Category 2: Co-Curricular, Extension And Professional Development

SL.No.Type of ActivityAverage Hrs/weekAPI Score
 (I)Extension, Co-curricular & field based Activities: (5 pnts each)Pulse polio survey5
 a) Field Study/Ed. Tours/ Placement: 5 each      Max: 10  
 b) NSS/NCC/NSO etc: each activity 10 points Max :10Tree Plantation Programme with NSS10
 c) Student/Staff Sports Campus Publ. etc: (dept level 2 points, Institutional level 5 points) Max: 10a)Member of Students Sports Committee5
 d) Community work (Env., Hum. Rights, Scientific temper, Peace/Relief etc):                                                                                Max:10  
 (Max API Score : 20) 20
 (II) Contribution to Corporate Life and Management of the Institution:Yearly/Semester wise responsibilitiesAPI Score
 a) Governance Responsibility (PG/IQAC/NAAC coordinator/Bursar / Warden etc.): Max 10  
 b) Academic/Administrative Committees like Admission /Campus Dev/ Library Comm: 5 each Max 10  
 c) Student Welfare/Placement / Counseling/ Discipline : 5 each                                                                                Max: 10  
 d) Conf Organization/Chair Secretary/Treasurer (I) International: 10 (II) National/Regional: 5 (III) Member:NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 (iii)Professional Development Activities :  
 a) Member in Professional Committees (I)National 3 (II) State 2 ;   Max 10  
 b) Participation in Conf/Seminars Without paper: 2 each ;   Max: 10  
 c) Short-term Courses/  Training less than a week: 5 each                                                               Max :10NA 
 d) Membership/Participation in State/ Central Bodies/Committees:  5 each Max: 10  
 e) Newspaper/Magazine/ Radio-TV program (Not covered in Category III): 1 each ;                    Max: 10NA 
 (Max API Score : 15)  
 Total Score (I + II +III):  (Max : 50)Total20
 Minimum API Score required – 15  

Related Activities: Session: 2013-14

Category-3: Research And Academic Contributions

Published Papers in Journals

API Score – Category 1- Refereed – 15/publication Category 2- Non-Refereed – 10/publication

SL. No.Title with page no.JournalISSN/ISB N No.Whether peer reviewed Impact factor, if anyNo. of Co‐aut horWhether you are the main authorAPI score

Public Displays/Exhibitions/Performances with or without outputs in CD/DVD/Online/E-form/E- book( for Art College)            API Score-Category-I-15;  Category-2-10

SL . N o.Title of Show/Exhibition/Performanc e with or without outputs in CD/DVD/Online/E-form/E- book version or BrochuresCompany/ Agency/ Instt Name (IncludingTV/Ra dio etc)Categorization I. International 15 each/ II. National 10 each (Venues/ event/ gallery/studio/museums)Whether reviewed/ Impact factor (Reporting/ Coverage/ Reviews/ Hits/sales/citations/Com men- dations/ etc)No of Co- performer or Coauthors (10 each)Whether you are the Solo artist/ performer(15 each)API Score
 NA     NIL

Articles/ Chapters published in Books

  • API Score (Per Art/Chap) Category 1: International Publisher – 10 Category
  • 2: National/ State/ Central/ Societies Publisher – 5
  • Category 3: Subject books by other/ Local Publisher – 3
  • Category 4: Chapters in Knowledge-based Volumes – 5

Full papers in Conference Proceedings

  • Conf. proceedings as full paper: 1 International Conference – 10/publication
  • 2 National – 7.5/each
  • Regional/State level – 5/ each
  • Local- Univ./College level – 3/each
SL. No.Title with page no.Details of Conference PublicationISSN/ ISBN No.No. of Co‐ authorWhether you are the main authorAPI score
 NA    NIL

Books published as Single author or as editor

  • API Score – Category 1 Text/Reference Books by International Publisher – 50
  • Category 2 Text/Reference Books by National/Soc/Univ Publ – 25
  • Category 3 Subject Books by Other/Local Recognized Publ – 15
SL. No.Title with page no.Type of Book, & authorshipPublisher & ISSN/ ISBN No. (I. InternationalWhether Peer Reviewed.No. of Co‐authorWhether you are The mainAPI score
  NationalRegional)  author 

Solo Performance/Exhibition as an Artist on invitation

  • API Score – Cat. I /International – 50
  • Cat. II /National – 25
  • Cat. III /Regional –15
SL. NoTitle of Programme/ Exhibition with details of venueOrganized or Sponsored by Institution / Company/ Agency, incl AIR/TV etcCategorizatio n (I)Internationa l/ (II) National/ (III) RegionalWhether peer- reviewed / ImpactNo of Co- artists or Performer sWhether you are the Solo artist/ performerAPI Scor e
 NA     NIL

Ongoing and Completed Research Projects and Consultancies

API Score for Projects-
Cat I: (Sc -Rs 30 lakhs+ Non-Sc: Rs 5 lakhs +): 20 Cat II: (Sc -Rs 5 lakhs+ Non-Sc: Rs 3 lakhs +): 15
Cat III: (Sc -Rs 0.5 lakhs+ Non-Sc: Rs 0.25 lakhs+): 10 Other approved projects of Univ/Other agencies : 5
API Score for Consultancies–
(Sc -Rs 10 lakhs+ Non-Sc: Rs 2 lakhs +): 10
API Score for Quality Evaluation– Major (Completed) Project Eval: 20 Minor (Completed) Project Eval: 10
C .(i) & (ii) Ongoing Projects/ Consultancies

SL. No.TitleAgencyPeriodGrant/ Amount mobilized (Rs. Lakh)API score

C. (iii) & (iv) Completed Projects/ Consultancies

SL. No.TitleAgencyPeriodGrant/ Amount mobilized (Rs. lakh)Whether policy document. Patent as outcomeAPI score

Research Guidance

  • Degree-oriented: API Score – Ph.D. awarded – 10; Ph.D. Submitted – 7;
  • M. Phil. awarded – 3;
  • Non-Degree Products: API Score – Post-Doctoral – 7; National Scholar – 5;
  • Guidance to Scholars & Master’s level – 3;
SL. No.Number enrolledThesis submittedDegree awardedAPI score
Non-Degree productsNA   
M.Phil or EquivalentNA   
Ph. D or EquivalentNA   

Training Courses, Teaching-Learning –Evaluation Technology Programmes,

  • Faculty Development Programme ( not less than one week duration)

Cat I : (Not less than two week duration): 20 Cat II : (Not less than one week duration): 10

Papers presented in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposia

API Score – Category 1 International – 10

Category 2 National – 7.5 Category 3 Regional – 5 Category 4 Local – 3

SL . No .Title of the paper presentedTitle of Conference/ SeminarOrganized byWhether International/ National/State/ Regional/College/U niversity levelAPI scor e

Invited lectures/ Chairing the session or presentation for conferences/ symposia etc.

  • API Score – Category 1 International – 10
  • Category 2 National – 7.5
  • Category 3 Regional /State level – 5
  • Category 4 Univ/Endowment Lect – 3
Sl. No.Title of the Lecture/ Academic sessionTitle of Conference/ SeminarOrganized byWhether International/ National/State/ Regional/College or University levelAPI score
 Category – IIITotal 

 Summary of API scores 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 as per Memo No. Ed293/2013, Dated 07/05/2013

Criteria2009-102010-112011-12Total- API Score for
Assessment Period
Annual Average
API Score for Assessment period
Teaching, learning and Evaluation related Activities
Co‐curricular, Extension and Professional Development related Activities
Total (I+II)
Research and Academic Contributions 2011-2014

Signature of Incumbent

Signature of IQAC coordinator

Signature of Principal/TIC with date and Seal

Part C: For use of the Screening/ Selection Committee

Name of the College : Mathabhanga College

Date of the Meeting:
Venue: Mathabhanga College
Name of the Incumbent:
Present designation: Assistant Professor (Stage 1/ Stage 2/ Stage 3) of Sanskrit
Date of joining: 01.06.2002
Awarded Ph. D. : 12.10.2004 Date of Confirmation: 01.06.2003 w.e.f. 01.06.2002
Scale of Pay: Rs.15600-39100/- with AGP of Rs. 6000 / 7000 / 8000 Designation after promotion: Assistant Professor (Stage 2 / Stage 3) /Associate Professor (Stage 4) Scale of Pay:Rs. 15600-39100/- or ` 37400-67000/- with AGP of Rs. 7000 / 8000 / 9000
Date of effect: 01.06.2014 as per UGC regulation 2010
01.11.2012 as per GO No. 920 Edn (CS), dated 31.12.2012, 922Edn(cs),951 Edn(cs)

Score for Interview (for Stage 3 to Stage 4) [F.M. 20]:
The Screening/Selection Committee has considered the proposal for promotion under CAS in respect of the incumbent mentioned above from the post of Assistant Professor (Stage 1/ Stage 2/ Stage 3) to

the post of Assistant Professor (Stage 2/ Stage 3) / Associate Professor (Stage 4). As the incumbent has fulfilled all conditions as laid down in G.O. No. 920‐Edn(CS) dated 31.12.12 for promotion under CAS, the Committee recommends that the incumbent be promoted to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage 2/ Stage 3) /Associate Professor (Stage 4) with AGP of Rs.7000 / 8000 / 9000 with effect from…………… .
The Committee further recommends that the post held by the incumbent be upgraded to the post of Assistant Professor (Stage 2/ Stage 3) /Associate Professor (Stage 4) with AGP of Rs. 7000 / 8000 / 9000 with effect from and the same would be reverted back to the post of
Assistant Professor (Stage 1) as soon as it would fall vacant due to superannuation or any other Reason whatsoever.
Necessary particulars with all relevant documents be sent to the Government for approval.

প্রকাশিত প্রবন্ধ –
১/ মৃতুর জন্ম ও মৃত: উপন্যাসের আধুনিকতা, ২০০৩, এপ্রিল শিক্ষি পত্রিকা
২/ অমিয় চক্রবত্তীর কবিতা : আস্তিক্য বোধের নান্দনিকতা, জুলাই, ২০০৩ শিলিদ্ধ পত্রিকা ২/ পাব-লা নরুদার কবিতার সংগ্রামী কতনা ২০০৪, ইস টি শারদ সংখ্যা
৪/ আবুল বাসরের পবিত্র অসুখ : একান্তের ২০০৩
৫/ অমর মিত্রের ধনপতিরচার : বিশ্বায়নের প্রতিক্রিয়া মল্লার, ২০০০
৬/ নিত্যমালাকা-রর কাব্য

৭/ জগদীশগুপ্তের গল্প : আধুনিকতার নানাদিক, গান্ডীব, ২০০৮ ৮/ বিনয় মজুমদারের একপংক্তির কবিতা, নৌকা পত্রিকা, মে ২০০৭ ১/ অরুন মিত্রের কবিতা – এক মূল্যায়ণ জুন, ২০০৮, সুইল-হা স্ট্রিট ১০/ মানিক বন্দ্যাপাধ্যা-সর সাহিত্য : শৈল্পিক দায়বন্ধতা : ২০০৯, মল্লার ১১/ উত্তরবঙ্গের লিটল ম্যাগাজিন ভাবনা ২০১৯, উত্তরবঙ্গ উৎসব পত্রিকা ১২/ আলমামু-দর সানালী কাবিন : রামান্টিকতার অভিনবত্ব উবুদশ, ২০১০ ১৩/ আলকুনসুন্দর লাক-লাকান্তর : কবিতার ইন্দ্রজাল : আনন্দহ, ২০১২ ১৪/ আলবাহরু-সর কবিতায় -রামান্টিকতা কবিতীর্থ ২০১৩
১৫/ বান-লয়া-এর কবিতার অভিনতর সংকট: কবিতীর্থ ২০১৮
১৬/ দী-পন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যাপাধ্যা-এর ছাটগল্প : বিপন্নতা-বাধ কবিতীর্থ ২০১০ ১৭/ দিনেশ দাসর কবিতা: মানুষর কথা : সাবর্তিমা, ২০১১
১৮/ কবি-সর রাষ্ট্রভাবনা সাবর্তিমা, ২০১৫
১৯/ সুভাষ মুখোপাধা-যার কবিতা হ্যান্ডবুক অফ মার্কসিজন – সাবতিকা, ২০১৮ ২০/ রবীন্দ্রনাথের গান : মানুষের কথা: উত্তরনি, ২০১৮
২১/ নির্মলেন্দু গুনের কবিতা : বাংলা কবিতার নতুনগ্রহ, উত্তরগুনি ২০১৭ ২২/ নির্মলেন্দু গুনের কবিতায়, মুক্তিযুদ্ধ: ইসক্রা ২০১৬
২৩/ মহাদেব সাহার কবিতা: রোমান্টিকতার নবরূপ ইসফা জুন ২০১৭ ২৪/ অরুনশ মাঘর কবিতা : বস্যা-ক প্রমানের রীতি কবিতা ক্যাম্পাল, ২০১ ২৫/ অরুনশ মাঘর কবিতায় অস্তিত্ব চতনা নাদনিক ২০১৫
২৬/ সুভাষ মুখাপাশা- ফুট না ফুটুক : নীকা ২০১৯ ই- ২৭/ যৌনতার নান্দনিকাতা, বাংলা উপন্যাস : ইসক্রা
২৮/ শক্তি চট্টোপাধ্যা-ার কবিতায় দার্শনিকতা: কবিতাবাসর ২০১৪ ২৯/ জয়-সব বসুর কবিতা: মার্কসীয় নান্দনিকতা ২০১৪
৩০/ মতিনদীর স্থানশব্যক্তি শূন্যতাবি-এর নান্দনিকতা, মন্নার

সম্পাদিত পত্রিকা
১/ ‘বোদলেয়ার’ সম্পাদক দেবাশিস দত্ত
প্রকাশিত গ্রন্থ (২০০৩-2017)
১/ পুতুল না-চর ইতিকথা : বিপন্ন বিষ্ণু ২/ প্রসঙ্গ ধাত্রীদেবতা
৩/ নিষিদ্ধ শহর চাদ – কাব্যগ্রন্থ
৪/ মাথুর যুবক – কাব্যগ্ৰন্থ
৫/ ডুয়ার্স জু-ড় মিথ পুড়-ছ- কাব্য গ্রন্থ
৬/ আধুনিক বাংলা কবিতা : নান ভাবনার আ-লা-ক – দেবাশিস দত্ত

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