Mathabhanga College

Ms Priyanka Chettri

Name: Priyanka Chettri
Department of Political Science
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email Id:
Nationality: Indian
Address: Official: Mathabhanga College, Mathabhanga, Coochbehar 736146

Academic Profile

ParticularsYear of passingName of institution
ICSE2006Loreto Convent, Darjeeling
ISC2008Loreto Convent, Darjeeling
Graduation2011St.       Joseph’s          College,            Darjeeling (Political Science Honours)
Post Graduation2013North Bengal University ( Specialization In Thought And Theory)
Additional Qualification:Wb Set (2014) 

Teaching Experience:

  • 2013-2016:    St. Joseph’s College, Department of Political Science (Part-Time Lecturer)
  • Since 2016:     Mathabhanga College, Department of Political Science (Assistant Professor)

Research Experience

List of Seminar/Conference /Workshop attended
DetailsTitle: History, Culture, Environment and Development: Indian Experiences Organiser: Department of Economics And Political Science , St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, West Bengal Date: 7TH December 2013 Level:     National     Title: Interrogating Development: Regional And Sub- Regional Trends in India in The Era Of Globalisation Organiser: Department of Economics and Sociology , St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, West Bengal. Date:29th – 30th march 2015 Level:     National
List of Paper Presented in Seminar/Conference
Seminar DetailsTitle of Paper: Reclaiming Spaces: Politics Of Place, Locality And Identity Of Lepcha Community In The Eastern Himalayas Organised by :Department Of Humanities And Social Sciences Indian Institute Of Technology, Guwahati, Assam Date: 17-18 October 2013 Level: National/International/ State(please √)  

Title of Paper: Innovating Culture Identity: (Re) Inventing The Gastronomical Techniques As A Form Of Self Construction By A Community Organiser: Department of Political Science , St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, West Bengal in collaboration with discipline of political science HSS , IIT, Guwahati, Assam Date:27th -29th April 2015 Level:     National

Title of Paper: (Re) Discovering The Status Of Women In India And Move Towards Empowerment: Issues And Challenges Organiser: Department of Political Science, Moridhal College, Dhemaji, Assam Date:15th -16th October 2015 Level:     National

Title of Paper: Indian Defence And Security Enhancement And Global Politics Of Status: Inventing APJ Abdul Kalam As An Indian Security And Defence Thinker Organiser: Department of Political Science , St. Josephs college, Darjeeling in collaboration with Jadavpur Association of International Relations Date: 2nd– 3rd November 2015 Level: National
Title of Paper: Knowing at the margins, Epistemic Injustice and just Higher Education: studies on the East and North east of India Organiser: Department of Commerce, St. Josephs college, Darjeeling Date:25th – 27th June 2016 Level:     National
Title of Paper: CONTESTING ‘A CUT FOR PURITY’: Female Genital Mutilation, Culture And Human Rights Issues In India
Organiser: IQAC University B.T and Evening College, North Bengal University Date:27th march 2017 Level:  National
List of seminar/workshop/special lecture arranged
Seminar/workshop/special lecture detailsTitle: History, Culture, Environment and Development: Indian Experiences Organiser: Department of Economics And Political Science , St. Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, WestBengal Date: 7TH December 2013 Level: National

Title: Consumer Awareness and Consumer Rights In India Organiser:    Department    of    Political    Science    and Economics, Mathabhanga College, Mathabhanga Date: 15th – 16th March 2019 Level: National
List of field/excursion conducted
Details& DateTeacher Co- Ordinator Field work for Data Collection in the Forest Villages in and around Darjeeling on Human Wildlife Conflict Study Project in partnership with WWF India and implemented by DLR Prerna, Darjeeling during November 2015   Teacher Co- Ordinator Field work for Baseline survey to understand Socio- Economic Condition of Government welfare Schemes, Climate Change and other related issues in Mamring and Turyok Village under Sittong II Gram Panchayat, Kurseong Block Darjeeling supported by CASA Kolkata and implemented by DLR Prerna, Darjeeling during march 2016

Area Of Research Interest

Gender studies, Environmental Politics, Identity politics, Spatial politics, Human Rights, Race and Ethnicity.