Department of Bengali
About The department
The department of Bengali was established in 1969 in Mathabhanga College and is the oldest departments to have started in the college. The department offers both Honors and Program course to the students. The honors course was started from the year 1983. At present there are 3 faculty members in the department among them three are Assistant Professor and rest three are SACT Teachers. The teaching-learning method of the department includes classroom lectures, seminars with active student participation. Occasional internal evaluations like MCQ,Viva, written class tests, class presentations are held to evaluate the students’ performance. Apart from the academic activities the department also organizes various programmes and encourages the students to participate in many activities like different cultural programmes to help build up their morale and boost their confidence. All the teachers of the department also share a very amicable relationship with the students and create a favorable atmosphere so that the teaching-learning becomes joyful and fruitful. The teachers feel free to satisfy any queries of the students. After the completion of graduation the majority of our departmental students pursue Master Degree in Bengali and some choose line of mass communication and journalism.
Department Notice
Bengali Adon Course
January 18, 2024
Why Study Bengali?
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute
- Mathabhanga College, a promising educational institute

Our Outcomes
Program Outcome
The prospective outcome of this Course is to introduce the students to the vast plethora of cultural and anthropological domain through prose, poetry and novels in Bengali Literature. It has a structured curriculum targeted to foster academic and applied analytical skills. The curriculum integrates basic tenants of journalism, report writing, interviewing skills, and copy-writing for advertisement, content editing, proof reading and translation. The idea is to provide the students with the required hands-on training. Bengali, being the 4th most spoken language in the world presents ample professional opportunity. The aspirant can get jobs in print media, translation work, proof reading etc. Moreover, being one of the Modern Indian Languages, it also furnishes scope for the aspirants as faculties of Bengali language and linguistics, not only in Indian but also foreign universities as well. Furthermore, Bengali language also significantly contributes to ethnographic diversity of not only India but the World as a whole.
Program Specific Outcome
Develop a strong concept of linguistics and basic Bengali grammar, history of old, medieval and modern Bengali literature. The students should possess the fundamental knowledge of Bengali Prosody, Rhetoric, Deferent literary theory, loike Tragedy, Comedy, Romanticism, Classisigm, Epic, Ode, Ballad etc. Old Indian KABBWATATTWA, Charyapada, Baishanab Padabali, Ramayan, Mangal Kavya, Bhagbat, Mahabharata, Shakta Padaboli and Annadamangal, Chandimongal etc.. Students are enabled to transfer and apply the acquired concepts and principles to study different branches of Bengali literature that is fiction, short story, essay and poetry. Understand the principles and application of classification of Drama, Novels, and Poetry. Develop a conception of aesthetic sense and understand the interdisciplinary approach
Course Outcome
- To make students interested in Bengali Society, culture, literature and history of the Bengali people.
- To create a sense of history and historical analysis about Literature among the students.
- To make students aware about basic textual nuances of Medieval and Modern Bengali Literature.
- To help students acquire a sound foundation in the knowledge interested in Socio-economic and cultural history of medieval period of Bengal.
- To make students aware about Vaishnava and Shakta Religion and Philosophy and religious literature and social values of these times and Middle Bengali literature as such, in a socio-cultural perspective
- This course helps in learning about the evolution of literature in other Indian languages that have had a profound influence on the socio-cultural formations in India since early times and have also enriched Bengali language and literature
- To make students aware about the importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
- To give practical lesions of Rhetoric and Prosody to students
- Knowledge of different forms of drama, satire or theatre with its social background with special emphasis on contemporary political culture. Concept and impact of Proscenium theatre, folk opera, street theatre, farce and satirical dramas on women’s education, practice of Sati, widow remarriage, the prevalent social traditions and customs and their imposition on the liberal individual
- Reading of transformation of imagery and development of other aesthetic trends and novel notations from a colonial perspective of renaissance.
- To make students aware about Indian idea of Rhetoric and Prosody, practical learning and importance of Rhetoric and Prosody while studying poetry.
- To give them a thorough insight into the middle Bengali Language and literary culture, theories of rhetoric and prosody and analytical concept
Seminars & Workshops
A one-day international seminar on “Language diversity and International Mother Language Day” was organized by the department of Bengali at Mathabhanga College on Saturday, 23rd February 2019 Cooch Behar, West Bengal. Dr. Debkumar Mukhopadhyay, Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University , Cooch Behar, India, welcomes the participants and introduced the seminar to all. In his speech he respected all languages and shared his personal experience regarding language diversity. He mentioned the importance of French language in Europe and tried to express his positive attitude to the mother language. He thanked the organizing committee of Mathabhanga college to present such type of International seminar. He said, ‘it is well organized seminar and I am proud of Mathabhanga college’. Inaugural song was presented by the students of Bengali department. Inaugural speech was delivered by Dr. Guru Charan Das, Teacher-in -Charge, Mathabhanga College. He explained the importance of mother language and importance of seminar in a college. Key note address was given by Dr. Dipak Kr.Roy, Raiganj University, Uttar Dinajpur. Number of speakers came from different part of West Bengal , Assam and Bangladesh. Md. Abu Shahadat Rubel, Uttar Bangla Viswavidyalaya College, Bangladesh Dr. Rama Das, Department of Bengali, Gauhati University are a few among them. Sri Shekhar Sarkar, convener of the seminar, conducted the program very efficiently.

Department Faculties
Assistant professor || Department of English
Assistant professor || Department of English
SACT - II || Department of Bengali
State Aided college Teacher(SACT) || Department of Bengali
State Aided college Teacher(SACT) || Department of Bengali
Assistant Professor || Department of Bengali
Principal || Department of Bengali
Assistant Professor || Department of Bengali